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Monday, February 23, 2009

Bluetooth Virtual Keyboard

About the size of a small cellular phone, (90 x 34 x 24 mm), the VKB enables users to type texts or e-mails as easily as with an ordinary keyboard. Imagine how easy it would be, if you had a proper mobile phone, MAC Laptop, Smart Phone, Blackberry (even the new 8100,8300,8800), keyboard that fits in your pocket...

The I-Tech Virtual Keyboard uses a light projection of a full-sized QWERTY computer keyboard on almost any surface.

Used with MAC Laptop, PDA's and Smart Phones, Blackberry (even the new 8100,8300,8800), the Virtual Keyboard provides a practical way to send e-mails, word documents processing and spreadsheet tasks, enabling users to leave laptops and computers at home. VKB's adaptable technology studies the user's finger movements to interpret and record keystrokes.

Available at any online shop for just US $ 179.

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