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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

$25 Super Slim LED Page Light Helps You Reds At Night Sans The Trouble

pagelight1 $25 Super Slim LED Page Light Helps You Reds At Night Sans The Trouble

It happens a few times every week. You get told off by an irate bed partner because you choose to keep the bedside light on to read up on that very interesting Playboy article, I mean, something for work. And using a torch is just way too annoying.

What you need is something that would only light up the page that you are reading so that the rest of the bed, and room, is kept wrapped in peaceful darkness. The Super Slim LED Page Light throws a light on your book with its bright white LEDs. The light projected is strong enough to read the book comfortably without being bright enough to hurt your eyes. Just place the Super Slim LED Page Light on your book and read away.

Slim and extremely portable, you can carry the page light everywhere you go and would be really handy on those camping trips. Get yourself the Super Slim LED Page Light at $25 so your late night reading habits never disturb anyone else

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