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Monday, February 23, 2009

Blinged Up Nokia 8800

news-19999-27470e50eabe9687e4f3ea34833fb3fa613x700 Blinged Up Nokia 8800

A blinged up Nokia 8800 which would cost you 12,000 Pounds will be launched in January at the Colette store in Paris. The awesome phone is being touted as the ‘Princess Edition’ and hence is aimed at the fairer sex, I assume.

It comes with 8.2 carats of diamonds both at the front and the back and also has solid platinum. Well the platinum isn’t just embedded somewhere but is used instead of the leather finish to make it one of the poshest phones ever. The phone will come encased in a handmade box and you will have the choice to choose between leather-lined, marble or granite box.

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